If you are interested in making a difference and volunteering with us check out the volunteer opportunities below, and feel free to fill out a volunteer application and send it to the email below.
Click Here to email your volunteer application.
Recruitment: Help us create a compassionate army… The bigger we are the more we can do! Tell everyone you know what you are doing and how they can also be a part of making Leon County No-Kill!
Fundraising: Like to plan events? Fundraising is crucial to saving lives at FPA!
Sponsor / Donation Acquisitions: Like to talk to people? Help develop our sponsorship or donation program!
Writers: Website content, informational brochures, fliers, presentations, grant applications, press releases, and more.
Graphic Design: Work with writers, design media items, T-shirts, signage, etc.
Social Media: Help keep everyone up to date with what’s going on at FPA!
Programs & Services
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard: Pick up donations for the pet food bank, process applications, database upkeep.
Chuck Wagon: Deliveries of pet food to our homebound Meals On Wheels Recipients.
No Pet Left Behind: Home visits to assist with pet care to hospice patients.
PopStars: Help keep page up to date, remove listings of adopted pets, add new pets, work with shelter/rescues to get new pet listings.
T-FANs: Join our foster/advocate network! Become a foster and/or advocate for our homeless pets. All you need to provide is love and a temporary home for our fosters, and a passionate voice to help save lives.
A Spot for Spot: Help with the design and construction of dog houses and feral cat colony housing.
Interested in volunteering? Let us know!