Florida Pets Alive Pet Rehoming Program available to individuals in the area;
If you will continue to Home and Vet your Pet until your Pet is Adopted, we will add your Pet to our Pet Rehoming Program.
Please fill out the Pet Rehoming Program Agreement initial and sign in the appropriate places and return it us with some good photos of your pet, bio. Info so we can help rehome your Pet ASAP. Please include information on personality, est. Breed, sex, weight, approx. age, spay/neutered fully vetted etc.
Tallahassee Pets Alive will market your Pet on our;
• Web Site www.FloridaPetsAlive.org
• Pet Finder Page https://www.petfinder.com/pet-search?shelter_id=FL1309
• Facebook Page with over 4,000 F B Friends.
• We will process any Applications for your Pet including background screening and Home visit. We will collect our regular Pet Adoption Fee for providing these services from the New Adopter.
Thank you for letting Florida Pets Alive try to help rehome your Pet.
Jack Cory
Florida Pets Alive Inc.
730 East Park Ave.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Office (850)681-1065
Caution: The Tallahassee Leon County Animal Shelter and all Public Animal Shelters in the Area are High Kill! Please understand that if you take your Pet to a Shelter, they will probably be killed. In 2016 the Tallahassee Leon County Animal Shelter killed over 33% of the Animals that was over 1800, 5 every single day, including 388 Kittens and 23 puppies.
Please consider #donating local by clicking on the Donate Button.
Florida Pets Alive Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) Non Profit Corporations. All Contributions are Tax Deductible.
We are an all-Volunteer Group so ALL Donations and Fees go to Vet and Care for the Pets.
The First Saturday Pet Adoption Event is coordinated by Florida Pets Alive Inc.; we are available to work with all rescues, shelters and individuals in the area to increase the adoption of pets.